Aug 19, 2010

Standing Strong Through Time

Architecture. What comes to your mind when you see or hear this word? What does it mean to be an "architect." One of my favorite ones is the one portrayed on one of The Matrix movies.

There are many ways to view or appreciate this word. If you "Google" it you'll find many traditional answers. Which ones appeal to you the most? Who cares... right?

How about we take a different tack on this. Have you ever thought about writing software that stands the test of time. How about writing software that can last regardless of how business changes. Hmmm... You are right! That can't happen.

Perhaps logic or philosophy is where we can look next. I'd like to present an example of what that looks like. Regardless of your political view, I humbly request considering the U.S. Constitution. It was written over 230 years ago and modified a little over a couple of dozen times.

During that time, this relatively brief document unleashed the power of a group of people, mere humans, with many imperfect qualities. This group of people have created the most powerful, wealthy, generous and humanitarian entity in recorded history.

How is that for standing the test of time based solely on three basic things: Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (or property)!

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